Joe Giarrusso Endorsed by AFL-CIO and RDO

The AFL-CIO endorsed Joe Giarrusso for re-election as Councilmember for District A. 

"I'm honored to be endorsed by the AFL-CIO," said Giarrusso. "Especially now, hard-working people, the backbone of our economy, need leaders on the City Council who are willing to stand up for their interests and know how to enact policies that spur economic development, create high-paying jobs, and expand opportunities for workers to thrive."

The Greater New Orleans AFL-CIO is District 1 of the Louisiana AFL-CIO. The Louisiana AFL-CIO is comprised of local unions, Building Trade Councils, Central Labor Councils, and district and statewide organizations which are its affiliates. Together, these bodies represent over 100,000 working men and women across our state.

The Regular Democratic Organization of Louisiana also endorses Joe for re-election.  

"I'm grateful to have earned RDO's endorsement," said Giarrusso. "As a Councilmember, I understand how city policies can affect people's everyday lives, and I'm going to continue fighting for safer neighborhoods, better streets, a more vibrant economy, and a city government that works for you."

The RDO is a 145-year old organization that "endorses the candidates who have the best interests of the working men and women of Louisiana at heart."


Joe Earns IWO Endorsement

Next As New Orleans Council pushes for spending federal aid, Cantrell administration urges caution